Prayer Series Devotional - Week 6 - The Last 3 Petitions
Here's a 5-day Bible reading plan and devotional guide based on Week 6 of Pastor Fred's Prayer Series:
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Day 1: The Father's Love
Reading: Luke 15:11-32 (The Prodigal Son)
Devotional: The transcription emphasizes God's love as our Father. Just as the pastor described his earthly father's strength and gentleness, our heavenly Father's love is even stronger and more faithful than we can imagine. Reflect on the parable of the Prodigal Son. How does the father's reaction to his son's return mirror God's love for us? Consider moments when you've felt distant from God. Remember that no matter how far you've strayed, His arms are always open, ready to welcome you home. Today, rest in the assurance of your Father's unconditional love.
Day 2: The Power of Forgiveness
Reading: Matthew 18:21-35 (The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant)
Devotional: Forgiveness is at the heart of our relationship with God and others. The transcription highlights Jesus' teaching that we should forgive as we have been forgiven. Read the parable and consider: How does the king's forgiveness of the enormous debt compare to God's forgiveness of our sins? Reflect on areas in your life where you may be harboring unforgiveness. Ask God to give you His spirit of forgiveness, remembering Corrie ten Boom's powerful testimony. Take a step today to forgive someone who has hurt you, trusting God to provide the love and strength to do so.
Day 3: Daily Bread and Daily Grace
Reading: Exodus 16:1-21 (Manna from Heaven)
Devotional: The Lord's Prayer teaches us to ask for "daily bread," linking our physical needs with our spiritual ones. Just as God provided manna daily for the Israelites, He offers us grace for each day. The transcription reminds us that alongside our daily needs, we should be conscious of our daily failures and need for forgiveness. Today, as you bring your needs before God, also bring your shortcomings. Thank Him for His provision – both physical and spiritual. How can you live today fully dependent on God's grace and provision?
Day 4: Overcoming Temptation
Reading: James 1:12-18
Devotional: The transcription touches on Jesus' instruction to pray "lead us not into temptation." James provides insight into the nature of temptation and God's role in our struggles. Reflect on areas where you face recurring temptation. Remember that God does not tempt us, but He does provide a way out. How can you be more aware of God's presence and strength when facing temptation? Pray for discernment to recognize temptation early and the courage to resist it, relying on God's power rather than your own strength.
Day 5: God's Presence in Suffering
Reading: 2 Corinthians 1:3-7
Devotional: While not explicitly discussed in the transcription, the theme of God's comfort in suffering is implicit in the discussion of forgiveness and healing from past hurts. Paul reminds us that God comforts us so that we can comfort others. Reflect on times when you've experienced God's presence in difficult circumstances. How has that equipped you to minister to others? Today, be open to ways you can extend God's comfort to someone in pain, drawing from your own experiences of God's faithfulness in trials.
To listen to full sermon click this link -
Day 1: The Father's Love
Reading: Luke 15:11-32 (The Prodigal Son)
Devotional: The transcription emphasizes God's love as our Father. Just as the pastor described his earthly father's strength and gentleness, our heavenly Father's love is even stronger and more faithful than we can imagine. Reflect on the parable of the Prodigal Son. How does the father's reaction to his son's return mirror God's love for us? Consider moments when you've felt distant from God. Remember that no matter how far you've strayed, His arms are always open, ready to welcome you home. Today, rest in the assurance of your Father's unconditional love.
Day 2: The Power of Forgiveness
Reading: Matthew 18:21-35 (The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant)
Devotional: Forgiveness is at the heart of our relationship with God and others. The transcription highlights Jesus' teaching that we should forgive as we have been forgiven. Read the parable and consider: How does the king's forgiveness of the enormous debt compare to God's forgiveness of our sins? Reflect on areas in your life where you may be harboring unforgiveness. Ask God to give you His spirit of forgiveness, remembering Corrie ten Boom's powerful testimony. Take a step today to forgive someone who has hurt you, trusting God to provide the love and strength to do so.
Day 3: Daily Bread and Daily Grace
Reading: Exodus 16:1-21 (Manna from Heaven)
Devotional: The Lord's Prayer teaches us to ask for "daily bread," linking our physical needs with our spiritual ones. Just as God provided manna daily for the Israelites, He offers us grace for each day. The transcription reminds us that alongside our daily needs, we should be conscious of our daily failures and need for forgiveness. Today, as you bring your needs before God, also bring your shortcomings. Thank Him for His provision – both physical and spiritual. How can you live today fully dependent on God's grace and provision?
Day 4: Overcoming Temptation
Reading: James 1:12-18
Devotional: The transcription touches on Jesus' instruction to pray "lead us not into temptation." James provides insight into the nature of temptation and God's role in our struggles. Reflect on areas where you face recurring temptation. Remember that God does not tempt us, but He does provide a way out. How can you be more aware of God's presence and strength when facing temptation? Pray for discernment to recognize temptation early and the courage to resist it, relying on God's power rather than your own strength.
Day 5: God's Presence in Suffering
Reading: 2 Corinthians 1:3-7
Devotional: While not explicitly discussed in the transcription, the theme of God's comfort in suffering is implicit in the discussion of forgiveness and healing from past hurts. Paul reminds us that God comforts us so that we can comfort others. Reflect on times when you've experienced God's presence in difficult circumstances. How has that equipped you to minister to others? Today, be open to ways you can extend God's comfort to someone in pain, drawing from your own experiences of God's faithfulness in trials.
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