Upward is Back!!!
Upward Basketball is back at Cliffview and we are excited for you to be a part.
Age Range - K4 - 6th Grade
Basketball & Cheerleading Prices -
Early Registration cost per child = $50
(After 11/11/23 - $65)
Registration Deadline - 01/04/2023
Volunteer Breakfast
- Saturday Nov 11th 9:00 am
Evaluation will be at Cliffview Gym -
- Saturday Nov 11th 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Practice Info
- Practices will begin on week on 11/13/23
- Practices will be on either Mondays, Tuesdays, or Thursdays
- Their will be no practice on 11/23 due to Thanksgiving and no practice
the weeks of 12/18 & 12/25
Age Range - K4 - 6th Grade
Basketball & Cheerleading Prices -
Early Registration cost per child = $50
(After 11/11/23 - $65)
Registration Deadline - 01/04/2023
Volunteer Breakfast
- Saturday Nov 11th 9:00 am
Evaluation will be at Cliffview Gym -
- Saturday Nov 11th 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Practice Info
- Practices will begin on week on 11/13/23
- Practices will be on either Mondays, Tuesdays, or Thursdays
- Their will be no practice on 11/23 due to Thanksgiving and no practice
the weeks of 12/18 & 12/25